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Airport: Dubai (DXB)


Current local time 14:21:08 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 04:00
Demand calculation 15:45:40 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Middle East
Country UAE
Continent Near East
Runway 4,445 m
Airport size Mega airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 8
Slot Availability 65%
Min. transfer time 01:30h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2025-02-22 09:58 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Auckland.
2025-02-22 01:01 UTC Esmaha and Argos Air have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-21 20:50 UTC Esmaha and CRX Express have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-21 17:07 UTC Armair Aircompany has opened a new station at Dubai.
2025-02-21 15:19 UTC China Panda Air has opened a new station at Dubai.
2025-02-21 14:53 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Atlanta.
2025-02-21 10:53 UTC Eurobird has opened a new station at Dubai.
2025-02-21 05:53 UTC Caspian International Airways has opened a new station at Dubai.
2025-02-20 21:35 UTC Esmaha and Liberty have signed a new interlining agreement.
2025-02-20 19:57 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Tbilisi.
2025-02-20 19:57 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Kozhikode.
2025-02-20 19:55 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Peshawar.
2025-02-20 19:53 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at Srinagar.
2025-02-20 19:38 UTC Esmaha has opened a new station at San Francisco.
2025-02-20 15:13 UTC Dubai Air, based at Dubai, has ceased operations. All shares have been returned or liquidated.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
Aer Shamrock 14 Departures
Aerobra 21 Departures
Aerobras 5 Departures
Africa 7 Departures
Air Algeria 7 Departures
Air Baku 7 Departures
Air Baleares 1 Departures
Air Beirut 54 Departures
Air Cologne 21 Departures
Air Franklin 2 Departures
Air Napoli 1 Departures
Air Nuvola 7 Departures
Air Tbilisi 14 Departures
AirCairo 7 Departures
AirFuse 14 Departures
AirLebabon 42 Departures
AirRom 7 Departures
Alsama Alzarqa Airways 28 Departures
AMA Airlines 7 Departures
Annam Airways 7 Departures
Arabian Skies 187 Departures
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Aviastar Cargo 8 Departures
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Blu 0 Departures
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ClearSky 14 Departures
Dallas Airways 0 Departures
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Damas 35 Departures
Dignity Air 7 Departures
Dreamz 14 Departures
Dzoid Airlines 8 Departures
Eastern Leisure 0 Departures
Esmaha 1,446 Departures
Eurobird 4 Departures
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Fly Istanbul 14 Departures
flySwift 7 Departures
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Germanfly 2 Departures
Global Swiss 7 Departures
GP-Aero AU 0 Departures
Great Rift Airways 21 Departures
Herbertz Air International 0 Departures
HW3 14 Departures
Indo Express 7 Departures
International Sun 7 Departures
KenJet 7 Departures
Kingdom Airways of Thailand 7 Departures
LCAF La Compagnie Aerienne Francaise 6 Departures
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Luftchina 7 Departures
luftjuneyao 7 Departures
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Nordavian 4 Departures
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Odin Cargo 14 Departures
OLBATROS 9 Departures
Oracle 2 Departures
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PakAir 28 Departures
Palawan Airways 7 Departures
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RusJet 7 Departures
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Scotland Connect 0 Departures
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Singapore GO Air 7 Departures
Solar Oasis Airways 4 Departures
Solaviones 21 Departures
Special Operations Flight Group 0 Departures
TehranAir 7 Departures
Trans Doha 14 Departures
TransAsia Thailand 11 Departures
Turk Express 7 Departures
Turkish Jet 14 Departures
Uli Airlines 7 Departures
West Blue 3 Departures
White Star Airways 8 Departures
World Wide Cargo 21 Departures
Yangtze Airlines 7 Departures
YELLOWINGS 75 Departures
YourWings 4 Departures