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Airport: San Antonio, TX, US (SAT)

from San Antonio, TX, US (SAT)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Atlanta (ATL)
NAE 5327 1234567 02:20 05:26 7M9 NorthAmericanExpress
TPL 1471 1234567 05:54 08:59 738 TransTropical Air Lines
NAR 2414 1234567 10:40 13:46 919 NorthAmericanRegional
NAE 5329 1234567 11:40 14:46 7M9 NorthAmericanExpress
TPL 1095 1234567 14:20 17:28 73S TransTropical Air Lines
NAE 2012 1234567 17:20 20:26 320 NorthAmericanExpress
TPL 1021 1234567 18:35 21:40 738 TransTropical Air Lines
to Austin (AUS)
NAR 28 1234567 13:10 13:47 AT7 NorthAmericanRegional
TPL 1857 1234567 18:15 18:48 M90 TransTropical Air Lines
NAR 30 1234567 19:20 19:57 AT7 NorthAmericanRegional
to Baltimore (BWI)
FUS 2411 1234567 02:02 06:09 320 Flystar US
NAE 5884 12345_7 12:45 16:55 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
to Charlotte (CLT)
NAE 4605 1234567 02:00 05:29 73J NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 833 1234567 11:45 15:17 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
to Chicago Midway (MDW)
LX 1168 1234567 11:45 13:55 290 CRX EXPRESS
to Chicago O'Hare (ORD)
SXX 6074 1234567 01:34 03:59 32N Southern Express Airlines
NAE 2824 1234567 03:00 05:26 320 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 56 1234567 03:20 05:45 738 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 4369 1_345_7 03:55 06:18 738 NorthAmericanExpress
LX 177 1234567 04:19 06:30 32N CRX EXPRESS
NAE 8572 1234567 09:55 12:21 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 4365 1234567 13:40 16:03 738 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 127 1234567 17:25 19:51 32N NorthAmericanExpress
LX 674 1234567 18:15 20:26 32N CRX EXPRESS
NAE 4367 1234567 20:45 23:08 738 NorthAmericanExpress
to Cincinnati (CVG)
TPL 2369 1234567 06:00 09:26 M88 TransTropical Air Lines
TPL 1973 1234567 12:45 16:09 73S TransTropical Air Lines
to Dallas (DFW)
FUS 720 _23_56_ 00:22 01:16 E75 Flystar US
E2W 1382 1234567 02:30 03:23 320 East to West
LX 3119 1234567 02:45 03:38 32N CRX EXPRESS
NAE 779 1234567 04:00 04:54 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
E2W 1384 1234567 06:30 07:23 320 East to West
DSA 148 1234567 12:00 12:53 320 Dallas-Air
FUS 1457 12345_7 12:53 13:46 320 Flystar US
DSA 228 1234567 13:20 14:13 32N Dallas-Air
E2W 1386 1234567 14:42 15:35 320 East to West
NAE 778 1234567 16:05 16:59 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 6155 1234567 18:20 19:14 E95 NorthAmericanExpress
E2W 1388 1____6_ 18:27 19:20 320 East to West
E2W 1388 _2345_7 18:37 19:30 320 East to West
SLW 1290 1234567 18:55 19:48 32N SilverWings
TPL 1933 12345_7 20:30 21:24 M88 TransTropical Air Lines
DSA 232 12345__ 23:25 00:18 32N Dallas-Air
to Dallas (DAL)
LX 3315 1234567 08:05 08:59 295 CRX EXPRESS
LX 3321 1234567 20:15 21:09 295 CRX EXPRESS
to Denver (DEN)
NAR 3341 1234567 02:15 03:12 CS3 NorthAmericanRegional
LX 1072 1234567 03:25 04:10 32N CRX EXPRESS
SXX 6077 1234567 09:30 10:26 32N Southern Express Airlines
FSM 238 1234567 11:15 12:10 320 FLY SMART
NAE 620 1234567 12:10 13:07 73H NorthAmericanExpress
SXX 6079 1234567 15:25 16:21 32N Southern Express Airlines
LX 1066 1234567 15:40 16:25 32N CRX EXPRESS
FSM 174 1234567 17:40 18:37 E95 FLY SMART
NAE 2951 1___5_7 19:00 19:57 73H NorthAmericanExpress
to Detroit (DTW)
NAE 3064 1234567 12:10 15:56 319 NorthAmericanExpress
to El Paso (ELP)
LX 2158 1234567 17:35 17:50 32N CRX EXPRESS
to Fort Lauderdale (FLL)
NAE 5801 1234567 03:50 07:30 319 NorthAmericanExpress
FLL 2459 1234567 23:35 03:13 CS1 Florida Air System
to Houston (HOU)
NAE 2431 1234567 22:00 22:47 319 NorthAmericanExpress
LX 3050 1234567 23:30 00:17 290 CRX EXPRESS
to Houston (IAH)
AS 6118 1234567 01:45 02:32 319 Alaska Skies
NAE 4018 1234567 03:30 04:17 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 1270 1234567 05:30 06:17 32Q NorthAmericanExpress
AS 6264 1234567 05:50 06:37 73G Alaska Skies
AS 6282 1234567 10:15 11:02 73H Alaska Skies
AS 6266 1234567 12:35 13:22 73G Alaska Skies
FUS 1640 12345__ 14:30 15:17 320 Flystar US
AS 6284 1234567 14:45 15:29 73H Alaska Skies
NAE 1575 1234567 16:00 16:47 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
NAR 2617 1_34_6_ 18:00 18:47 73H NorthAmericanRegional
NAR 2799 1234567 18:50 19:37 CRK NorthAmericanRegional
NAE 4016 1234567 19:00 19:47 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 1577 1___5_7 20:00 20:47 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
LX 3117 1234567 23:25 00:12 32N CRX EXPRESS
to Jacksonville International (JAX)
FLL 2457 1234567 04:00 07:22 CR7 Florida Air System
FLL 2455 1234567 16:00 19:22 CR7 Florida Air System
to Kansas City (MCI)
FOS 1051 1__4___ 20:30 22:22 CR2 Fly Over Shuttles
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
NAE 3520 1234567 12:00 12:29 73H NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 650 1234567 16:50 17:19 319 NorthAmericanExpress
FUS 1332 1___5_7 22:57 23:26 E75 Flystar US
to Los Angeles (LAX)
SLW 468 1234567 01:40 02:27 320 SilverWings
NAE 3344 1234567 03:45 04:30 CS1 NorthAmericanExpress
SLW 480 1234567 09:55 10:42 320 SilverWings
NAE 302 1234567 16:50 17:35 320 NorthAmericanExpress
SLW 484 1234567 22:05 22:52 320 SilverWings
to Miami International (MIA)
AS 4876 1234567 05:45 09:04 320 Alaska Skies
to Nashville (BNA)
NAR 114 1234567 16:30 18:31 C27 NorthAmericanRegional
to New York (JFK)
NAE 8400 1234567 00:00 04:29 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
AS 7496 1234567 01:30 05:57 321 Alaska Skies
NAE 8402 1234567 11:30 15:59 CR9 NorthAmericanExpress
AS 7136 1234567 14:00 18:29 100 Alaska Skies
NAE 8915 1234567 18:50 23:19 CRK NorthAmericanExpress
to Oakland (OAK)
NAR 589 1234567 10:40 11:56 SU9 NorthAmericanRegional
to Orlando International (MCO)
NAR 2525 1234567 01:40 05:06 CRK NorthAmericanRegional
NAR 2527 1234567 11:00 14:26 CRK NorthAmericanRegional
NAR 2529 12_4_67 18:54 22:20 CRK NorthAmericanRegional
AS 4875 1234567 23:45 02:54 320 Alaska Skies
to Phoenix (PHX)
NAE 128 1234567 11:20 12:23 32N NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 6797 1234567 11:35 12:38 E75 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 65 1234567 18:05 19:07 738 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 458 1___5_7 18:25 19:28 7M8 NorthAmericanExpress
LX 1762 1234567 20:35 21:25 32N CRX EXPRESS
to Portland, OR, US (PDX)
AS 5256 1234567 01:00 02:49 100 Alaska Skies
to Raleigh/Durham (RDU)
NAR 360 1234567 10:15 14:02 SU9 NorthAmericanRegional
to Sacramento (SMF)
LX 1164 1234567 04:05 04:58 290 CRX EXPRESS
to Salt Lake City (SLC)
NAR 3742 1234567 01:50 03:22 C27 NorthAmericanRegional
TPL 2122 1234567 06:00 07:30 738 TransTropical Air Lines
TPL 1354 1234567 13:35 15:08 733 TransTropical Air Lines
NAR 3740 12_4567 15:50 17:22 C27 NorthAmericanRegional
TPL 1854 1234567 21:15 22:34 M90 TransTropical Air Lines
to San Diego (SAN)
NAR 519 1234567 05:50 06:26 SU9 NorthAmericanRegional
to San Francisco (SFO)
NAE 7920 1234567 00:50 02:07 CRK NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 3886 1234567 03:00 04:17 CRK NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 3884 1234567 14:30 15:47 CRK NorthAmericanExpress
to Santa Ana, CA, US (SNA)
FUS 1326 1234567 05:38 06:20 E75 Flystar US
to Seattle/Tacoma (SEA)
AS 1194 1234567 00:45 02:41 100 Alaska Skies
NAE 7257 123_567 12:00 13:51 E75 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 7259 1234567 23:45 01:36 E75 NorthAmericanExpress
to Syracuse (SYR)
NAR 2176 1234567 10:40 15:05 E75 NorthAmericanRegional
to Tampa (TPA)
FLL 2451 1234567 02:25 05:43 CS3 Florida Air System
LX 3093 1234567 05:10 08:12 32N CRX EXPRESS
LX 3121 1234567 06:25 09:27 32N CRX EXPRESS
LX 2011 1234567 09:35 12:39 295 CRX EXPRESS
FLL 2453 1234567 14:25 17:43 CS3 Florida Air System
LX 3277 1234567 14:25 17:27 32Q CRX EXPRESS
LX 2007 1234567 21:30 00:34 295 CRX EXPRESS
to Washington (IAD)
NAE 9651 1234567 01:10 05:11 320 NorthAmericanExpress
NAE 9649 1234567 11:15 15:16 320 NorthAmericanExpress
to Washington (DCA)
NAR 652 1234567 02:30 06:35 SU9 NorthAmericanRegional